Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Testing Process: Day 2-4

Day 2 – CT Scan and Angiogram
I had to go to the Baylor Screening place, which was were I took Judah a few days after he was born to do blood work, weird to be back sitting in the same chair. Anyway, my nurse’s name was…well I can’t remember his name but he was very nice. Should I have said “male nurse?” ha. Anyway, he brought me back into this room with this huge machine in it. I mean huge, like the size of a car. It was freezing in there, so he brought me two heated blankets for the test.  Then he laid me down and said I am going to put the needle in for the dye now.
The dye is used so they can see how my kidney’s filter and if there are any cists or obstructions, but first back to the needle. He stuck it in and let me just say it hurt like no other. I was thinking, “Wow I have already had 15 viles of blood taken. Why did this hurt so bad?” Then the no name nurse said, “ I don’t tell people before but this needle is huge because it has to be big enough for the dye to be inserted quickly.” Thanks no name. I am not sure how much I like you now.
Finally, they scan my whole body without the dye. I am guessing they were looking at the other organs. Again, all I know is what I learn from Grey’s Anatomy and I never saw Doctor McDreamy or McSteamy (my favorite) do this test. Then he said, “Ok we are going to release they dye now. You are going to get a metallic taste in your mouth, get really hot, and feel like you are going to wet yourself, but don’t worry you won’t, haha.” Awesome, and you are not very funny. But it was all true. Weirdest feeling ever, and I have had a baby.  This test was very simple, and quick. Other than feeling like I was going to wet myself, it was not too bad.
The angiorgram was the test that showed Hillary’s kidney issues. I got the results on Thursday. I have no issues. The only abonormality I had was an extra artery running to one of my kidneys. My donor coordinator said that the perfect body has one artery running to each kidney, but it is not abnormal for people to have extra. She told me she has seen people with four arteries. So I am not perfect, but I do not have an blockages and my kidneys are filtering normally.
The reason why everyone was worried about this specific test is because Hillary is the third generation to have kidney problems. My Grandpa Bill, my dad's dad, was on dialysis for 5 years before he died, and my dad is in kidney failure. So everyone was worried about the results of this test, but everything turned out great!

Day 3- 24 Hour Urine Catch and Stool Sample
Not going to elaborate, but I am sure this is self explanatory.
Day 4-Physcological Testing
Had to fill out a 300 question test, and speak with a therapist for an hour. Long story short, I am not crazy and my brain functions normally. Sorry Hayden, I know you are disappointed.

I spoke with my donor coordinator on Tuesday, April 24, and she told me everything she had seen appeared to be normal and all of my results were being compiled for the committee meeting on Friday, April 27. If they approve me for transplant, I think the surgery may be the second week of June, or at least that is what my dad and have discussed. Recovery lasts six weeks, so that would mean I would be released around July 15 or so.

Please continue to pray for my Dad, my sister, and I as we finish this process. Also, please pray for our family members. I know this is not easy for them. I know they are being supportive but I know that this is just as hard for them. Thanks for reading and praying for my family!

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